Is the belief in Maa'de Jismani (physical resurrection) among necessity of religion?
Resurrection of the body is one of the cardinal beliefs of Islam; if anyone, knowing this fact, rejects it, he is not a Muslim at all. It will not be out of place to point out here that people are divided into four groups on this subject:-
1. There are atheists, who do not admit the existence of the Creator, and as a result, do not admit that He would resurrect us after our death.
In my book, God: An Islamic Perspective, enough has been written to show the baselessnes of atheism. Some more remarks will be given in the course of other discussions.
2. There are those who accept the existence of a Creator, but reject the idea of the resurrection of body. According to them, the reward and punishment mentioned in the Qur'an and Ahadith will be given to the soul only; the body will not be resurrected after death.
3. Those, like the Muslims, who believe that the Qiyamat will be for the body and soul together.
4. Agnostics, who say that they do not know, and in the nature of things, cannot know any thing about soul, or matters concerned with it. They neither admit nor reject the existence of the Creator or Day of Judgement.
When we look at the writings and arguments of those who refuse to believe in the resurrection of the bodies, it boils down to only one thing: Astonishment. How can the body be resurrected after death when it has already turned into dust?
There is no other argument to prove that the body cannot be resurrected. There is a sense of bewilderment as to how can it be done.
Allah has commented in numerous Ayats on this type of “argument”. A few Ayats are given here for enlightenment:-
“And if thou wouldst wonder, then wonderous is their saying: 'What, when we are dust would we really then be in a creation renewed?' These are they who disbelieve in their Lord; they are those round whose necks will be collars (of servitude): They will be companions of the fire; in it shall they abide” (Qur’an, 13:5)
Another group of Ayats :-
“O ye people! Fear your Lord; verily the quake of the Hour (ofjudgement) is a thing terrible.”
“The day ye shall see it, every suckling mother shall forget her sucking babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load, and thou shalt see the people intoxicated, but they will not be drunk; but dreadful will be the wrath of Allah.”
“And yet among men there is he who disputes about Allah, without knowledge, and follows every rebellious Satan”
“Against him it is decreed that whosoever turns to him for friendship him will he lead astray and will guide him unto the torment of burning fire.”
“O ye people! If you be in doubt about the Resurrection, then verily We created you from dust, then from sperm, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh, formed and (sometimes) unformed, in order that We may manifest (our power) to you; and We cause to stay in the womb what We will until an appointed time, then do We bring you out as babes, then (foster you) that you may reach your maturity, and of you is he who is caused to die. and of you is he who is brought back to the feeblest (state of) old age so that he knows nothing after knowing (much). And you behold the earth dried (dead) but when We send down on it the water it is stirred to life and swells up and produces every kind of aftractive herbage (in pairs).”
“This is because verily Allah, He is the Reality (Truth), and because verily He gives life unto the dead, and because verily He has power over all things.”
“And that the Hour (of Resurrection) is coming, there is no doubt therein; and that Allah will raise up those in the graves.” (Qur’an, 22:1-7)
In these Ayats, Allah gives two examples to show that Resurrection is not a thing to be wondered at. He reminds mankind that creating a thing is, by human thinking, more difficult than reassembling it after all its parts have disintegrated. Therefore, the Creator, who created the man in the first place can more easily resurrect him after all his body has become dust. (The words “more easily” have been used according to human thinking; so far as the power of Allah is concerned, every thing is easy for Him in equal degree).
Another example is that of a parched earth, which is thought “dead”, coming to life again as soon as Allah sends some rain upon it.
So, there is nothing strange if Allah makes us alive again after our death and disintegration.
It should be mentioned here that these arguments are effective against the second group, i.e., those who believe that there is a Creator, and still do not believe in the Resurrection of the bodies.
So far as the first group is concerned (those who do not believe in a Creator) they, first of all, should talk about the existence of God; the belief of Qiyamat would come after that.
Day of Judgement
It is necessary for every Muslim to believe in the bodily resurrection المعاد الجسماني . Denying or doubting in it, will lead the person away from Allah.
All authentic Hadeeths are very clear for the bodily circulations. Denying this very important part of our faith will make the person away from Allah, the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt (AS),
43 - عقيدتنا في البعث والمعاد نعتقد أن الله تعالى يبعث الناس بعد الموت في خلق جديد في اليوم الموعود به عباده، فيثيب المطيعين ويعذب العاصين وهذا أمر على جملته وما عليه من البساطة في العقيدة اتفقت عليه الشرائع السماوية والفلاسفة، ولا محيص للمسلم من الاعتراف به عقيدة قرآنية جاء بها نبينا الأكرم صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، فإن من يعتقد بالله اعتقادا قاطعا ويعتقد كذلك بمحمد رسولا منه أرسله بالهدى ودين الحق لا بد أن يؤمن بما أخبر به القرآن الكريم من البعث والثواب والعقاب والجنة والنعيم والنار والجحيم، وقد صرح القرآن بذلك ولمح إليه بما يقرب من ألف آية كريمة.
وإذا تطرق الشك في ذلك إلى شخص فليس إلا لشك يخالجه في صاحب الرسالة أو وجود خالق الكائنات أو قدرته، بل ليس إلا لشك يعتريه في أصل الأديان كلها وفي صحة الشرائع جميعها.
44 - عقيدتنا في المعاد الجسماني وبعد هذا، فالمعاد الجسماني بالخصوص ضرورة من ضروريات الدين الاسلامي، دل صريح القرآن الكريم عليها (أيحسب الانسانأن لن نجمع عظامه بلى قادرين على أن نسوي بنانه) " القيامة: 3 " (وإن تعجب فعجب قولهم أإذا كنا ترابا إنا لفي خلق جديد) " الرعد:
5 " (أفعيينا بالخلق الأول بل هم في لبس من خلق جديد) " ق:
14 ".
وما المعاد الجسماني على إجماله إلا إعادة الانسان في يوم البعث والنشور ببدنه بعد الخراب، وإرجاعه إلى هيئته الأولى بعد أن يصبح رميما. ولا يجب الاعتقاد في تفصيلات المعاد الجسماني أكثر من هذه العقيدة على بساطتها التي نادى بها القرآن، وأكثر مما يتبعها من الحساب والصراط والميزان والجنة والنار والثواب والعقاب بمقدار ما جاءت به التفصيلات القرآنية.
(ولا تجب المعرفة على التحقيق التي لا يصلها إلا صاحب النظر الدقيق، كالعلم بأن الأبدان هل تعود بذواتها أو إنما يعود ما يماثلها بهيئات، وأن الأرواح هل تعدم كالأجساد أو تبقى مستمرة حتى تتصل بالأبدان عند المعاد، وأن المعاد هل يختص بالانسان أو يجري على كافة ضروب الحيوان، وأن عودها بحكم الله دفعي أو تدريجي.
وإذا لزم الاعتقاد بالجنة والنار لا تلزم معرفة وجودهما الآن ولا العلم بأنهما في السماء أو الأرض أو يختلفان. وكذا إذ وجبت معرفة الميزان لا تجب معرفة أنها ميزان معنوية أولها كفتان ولا تلزم معرفة أن الصراط جسم دقيق أو هو الاستقامة المعنوية والغرض أنه لا يشترط في تحقيق الإسلام معرف أنها من الأجسام...) (1).
Kitab aqayed e imamiya
Shaikh Mohammad raza muzaffar r t a
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