Hazrat Hamza ibn Abdulmuttalib (As) was martyred on 15th Shawwal year 3 Hijri.
Salam to you O uncle of Rasulallah (Sawa) & best of martyrs.
Peace be upon you O Lion of Allah & his Messenger (Sawa).
I testify that you fought for the sake of Allah in the best possible way.
السلام عليك يا عم رسول الله و خير الشهدا
السلام عليك يا اسدالله و اسدرسوله
اشهد انك قد جاهدت في الله حق جهاده
Peace be upon you O Lion of Allah & his Messenger (Sawa).
I testify that you fought for the sake of Allah in the best possible way.
السلام عليك يا عم رسول الله و خير الشهدا
السلام عليك يا اسدالله و اسدرسوله
اشهد انك قد جاهدت في الله حق جهاده
كامل زيارات
باب الخامس زيارت حمزه عم رسول الله صلوات الله عليه و اله
باب الخامس زيارت حمزه عم رسول الله صلوات الله عليه و اله

Messenger of Allah Mohammad (Sawa) :
" its written in Heaven that Hamza is Lion of Allah and his Messenger (Sawa) "
📚📕📘 Al-Kafi , volume 1, page 224.
" its written in Heaven that Hamza is Lion of Allah and his Messenger (Sawa) "
📚📕📘 Al-Kafi , volume 1, page 224.
AmirulMuminin Imam ali (As) :
" Swear to Allah, if Hamza & Jafar was alive, abubakr would never dare to dream of occupying caliphate."
" Swear to Allah, if Hamza & Jafar was alive, abubakr would never dare to dream of occupying caliphate."
Fatima Zahra (Sa) used to visit his uncle (Hamza's) grave, there she prayed and cried for him.
Imam Mohammad Baqir (As) :
" If Hamza and Jafar were alive, those two (abubakr&umar) do what they did, if they insisted, Hamza & Jafar could have killed them.
📚📕📘 Al-Kafi, volume 8, page 189.
" If Hamza and Jafar were alive, those two (abubakr&umar) do what they did, if they insisted, Hamza & Jafar could have killed them.
📚📕📘 Al-Kafi, volume 8, page 189.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (As) :
" Lady Fatima Zahra (Sa) tied a thread of the woven wool, to the number of takbirs she knotted it and had it in her hand as a Tasbeeh.
" Lady Fatima Zahra (Sa) tied a thread of the woven wool, to the number of takbirs she knotted it and had it in her hand as a Tasbeeh.
After Martyrdom of Hamza, she made one from the soil of Hamza's grave, and people copied her.
However, when Hussein ibn Ali (as) was martyred, it is the soil of Imam Hussain's grave that is used for making tasbeeh."
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