Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) in the sermon of Ghadeer-e-Khum

On the first occasion, he (s.a.w.a.) has driven attention to Imam-e-Asr (a.s.) in the following phrases:

O people! Believe in Allah and His messenger and the light which has been sent down along with him… O people! The light from Allah, the Majestic, the Mighty, is in me, then in Ali, and will remain in his progeny until the al-Qaem al-Mahdi”.

At the second instance, he (s.a.w.a.) has spoken about 20 phrases on the characteristics of Imam-e-Asr (a.s.).

1. “Know that! Surely, the seal of the Imams, Mahdi, is from us.”

2. “Know that! Surely, he is the one who will overcome all the religions.”

3. “Know that! Surely, he will take revenge from the oppressors.”

4. “Know that! Surely, he will capture the forts and destroy them.”

5. “Know that! Surely, he is the one who will kill every tribes of the polytheists.”

6. “Know that! Surely, he is the avenger of the blood of every friend of Allah.”

7. “Know that! Surely, he is the helper of the religion of Allah.”

8. “Know that! Surely, he will reap maximum from the deep oceans.”

9. “Know that! Surely, he will indicate the virtue of every virtuous and the ignorance of every ignorant.”

10. “Know that! Surely, he will be the dearest and choicest servant of Allah.”

11. “Know that! Surely, he is the inheritor of every knowledge and is the one who encompasses every understanding.”

12. “Know that! Surely, he is the giver of news from his Lord and is the one who will tell everything about belief in Allah.”

13. “Know that! Surely, he is the one who is of the highest grade (he is most intellectual and wise, and he guides and closes the door of all evils).”

14. “Know that! Surely, he is the one to whom all affairs will be delegated.”

15. “Know that! Surely, he is the one regarding whom the previous nations have given glad tidings.”

16. “Know that! Surely, as a proof of Allah, only he will remain and there will be no proof after him.”

17. “Know that! Surely, truth will be only with him and the light (noor) will be only with him.”

18. “Know that! Surely, he is the one whom none will overcome, and none will be victorious over him.”

19. “Know that! Surely he is the authority of Allah on His earth and His ruler among His creatures.”

20. “He is the trustworthy of Allah in secret and open.”

We delve into the first attribute mentioned in the aforementioned phrases:

“Know that! Surely the seal of the Imams, al Mahdi, is from us.”


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